One of the best ways to experience the beauty and diversity of the Western Cape Flora is by walking the mountains and hiking trails of this area. This is a very relaxing and pleasurable way to spend your weekends and it allows the tranquillity of nature to clear your body and soul of the stresses of the daily rat race.


Although Fynbos is the best known of the indigenous plants of the Western Cape, it is not the only vegetation type, but also includes some Afro-montane forest, Renosterfield and Karoo shrubland. Early botanical visitors to Cape town were stunned by the beauty of the Cape flora and amazed at the unbelievable variety and diversity.


Due to the diversity of the vegetation with literally thousands of different species, it is obviously impossible to identify all the various plants if you are not a botanical expert.


Nevertheless, it would be gratifying to know the names of at least some of the more common ones or those that are exceptionally beautiful.


Hopefully this web site will help you to identify at least some of the plants you will encounter on your walks. I have also included photos of a few alien invaders, because although they are not indigenous, you will quite probably come across a few of them as well.


There is certainly not a shortage of trails in the Cape Town area, catering for all levels of fitness. As flowering plants bloom at different times of the year, there is every time something new to see.


